[Prev|Next|Index] 2/21/96, eds@theriver.com, Tucson, AZ USA The Future of the Internet? By Ed Schaefer eds@theriver.com . As a computer consultant and programmer I am very interested in the future of the Internet. On February 8th that future became shrouded in doubt. The passage and signing of the Telecommunications Act with the addition of the so-called Computer Decency Act marks a black page in the history of the Internet and this country. Now that the politicians have failed to live up to the Constitution our best hope lies with the courts. Let us hope that the judges that hear the challenges to the CDA see it for what it really is: political expediency at its worst! In the meantime, talk about the CDA to anyone who will listen. The future of the Internet as well as the future of freedom depend on it! "I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I shall not live my life for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for the sake of mine." (Ayn Rand) [Image]